Monday, January 5, 2015

Netgear R7500 OpenWrt revert back to Stock 5GHz network missing

I was in the situation that I had to revert back my Netgear R7500 from OpenWrt version to the native Netgear Genie version (Stock).

There is a revert back file available here:

file name: openwrt-ipq806x-sysupgrade which is a strange name for the revert back file but anyway it contains the Netgear Genie Stock firmware. The file can be Upgrade from the OpenWrt web Gui and should revert back to Stock Firmware with some issues.

I tested this on my R7500 and it works, but this is just a Guide and I take no responsibility if something goes wrong.

After you applied this file and the rooter reboots, than probably you will miss the 5GHz network from the router or you can not get DHCP address from the Router.

We need to set up a static IP address for the client PC / Laptop:

Gateway and DNS:

Download the NETGEAR-Telnet-Enable-Utility  which allows you to enable the telnet access to your Netgear R7500 router.

To fix the 5GHz issue after reverting back to Stock firmware you need to run the following commands in a telnet shell (telnet connection established to router (

Method-1=> Steps from Stock firmware:

  • Upload Stock firmware and establish connection to the router with telnet
  • telnet [soc1 login: root]
  • cd /mnt/jffs2/
  • rm -rf /mnt/jffs2/*
  • echo "" > ipaddr
  • echo "mode=ap&bw=80&vht=1&region=us&channel=153&bf=1&pwr=19&scs=0&vsp=0&staticip=1&" > wireless_conf.txt
  • sync
  • exit
  • reboot [reboot the router]

Check if able to connect the 5GHz interface (Should be able to do that successfully)
After this steps you should be able to configure and use the 5GHz network again.


  1. Stock Firmware has no /mnt/jffs2/

  2. in this case after you do the telnet you have
    "telnet" after this cd /mnt/jffs2/ I think it come`s with quantenna

  3. it's not working, the 5ghz band still not activating, any advice?

  4. after you made the all the steps above, Upgrade the router to the latest Firmware.

  5. tried that too, not working. I connect to internet through pppoe, if the pppoe is diconnected the 5 ghz band is working, if I connect to internet the 5 ghz band is not working anymore.


  6. it's not working, the 5ghz band still not activating, any advice?
